
His disease progressed despite undergoing more than 60 sessions of combined of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Surgery to the back of his throat and nose did not stop the tumour from spreading. He stoically underwent several more sessions of chemotherapy, radiotherapy and a neck surgery. He also became dependent on a feeding tube for food and had a stormy stay in intensive care. Losing all hope and unwilling to be a burden to his 80- year old mother, Keng Peng decided to spend his last days in Dover Park Hospice (DPH).

Undeterred by his condition, the clinical team and volunteers worked fervently with Keng Peng. From being bed-bound, he learnt to wheel himself around in a motorised wheelchair; from being fed, he learnt to feed himself through the feeding tube; from feeling all alone in this world, Keng Peng found new friends in the hospice. As he says, “I am alive again!”

His passion for photography was revived when he joined the weekly outing group, clicking away beautiful pictures for volunteers and fellow patients. Keng Peng also found a new hobby in painting. He was able to express his emotions through his drawings with the encouragement of our Art Therapy intern. He felt a great sense of achievement and satisfaction for each completed art piece. Keng Peng says: ‘’ I have never felt so at ease before; in the past I just wanted to die; now I am experiencing life again.”

At DPH, every individual is unique and has different needs. With our multi-disciplinary team effort, we strive to provide patients and families an uplifting experience, one that is full of precious memories despite the challenges illness brings.

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