

Our monthly Caregivers Coffee Time aims to provide caregivers a safe and therapeutic space to come together to share their experiences and receive guidance and psycho-educational support. The sessions will allow caregivers to express their emotions and provide a sense of belonging in their caregiving journey.

Caregivers Coffee Time is open to all caregivers, including former caregivers.

Register here to join us for caregiving insights, support, and guidance.

Venue: Level 4, Activity Room (beside Sky Garden)

Date: Every 1st Friday of the Month

Time: 2.30pm to 4.00pm


2024 Support Group Dates:

Date Topic
Friday 2nd February 2024 Fall Prevention at Home and in the Community 
Friday 1st March 2024 Financial Resources in the Community
Friday 5th April 2024 Dementia Care for Seniors 
Friday 3rd May 2024 Medicine-related Matters for Caregivers 
Friday 7th June 2024 What is will? LPA? ACP?
Friday 5th July 2024 Music as Therapy in Dover Park Hospice
Friday 2nd August 2024 Self-Compassion
Friday 6th September 2024 Group Namaste Care Therapy
Friday 4th October 2024 Importance of our Mental Well-Being
Friday 1st November 2024 Nursing Care for Seniors
Friday 6th December 2024 Year – End Gathering for Caregivers


Please note that topics may be subjected to change without prior notice.